If you're renting a property, you likely have the benefit of a landlord who has to repair certain problems with appliances or other home maintenance concerns. Most landlords or their property managers fix problems within a few days or weeks, but what about more serious issues? If you have an emergency number and aren't sure when to use it, here are a few instances when you absolutely should call immediately.
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Houses for sale are often posted by the owner before they are listed with a real estate agency. There are several places you can look for your next home, and some of these places are rather uncommon. Here are three less-common advertising places you should search when you are house-hunting.
Auction Sites
Property auctions have websites that list all of the current properties that are about to be sold via auction.
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Selling your home in a hurry can be tough if it is lacking in curb appeal. If you're unhappy with the way that the exterior of your home looks and you're having trouble attracting buyers, it may be a good idea for you to look into what you can do to spruce up the exterior. A fantastic way to make a big impact in the outside of your home and begin to draw in potential buyers right away is through getting exterior painting done.
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If you lease a commercial building to serve as a church, the property will likely have to be inspected before your congregation can occupy it. Here are a few things you can expect the building inspector to check:
Is there an adequate number of exits?
If you make changes to the layout of the building, it is important to leave multiple exits in place in case of an emergency. In addition to the exits being unblocked and easily accessible, they may have to be clearly labeled, so that congregants can easily find them.
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Becoming a homeowner is a major accomplishment that takes a lot of financial dedication to save up enough money for a down payment and the other initial expenses. It takes even more work to continuously make payments for 15 to 30 years until you completely own the home. So, there is no reason to make sacrifices when it comes to how you want to live your life and buying a property.
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