3 Key Points To Know Before You Buy Your First Home

Buying your first home can be both exciting and frightening. With the average cost of a home in the United States hovering between $217,600 and $343,300, buying your first home may be the most expensive purchase you've ever made. Knowing and understanding the following items before you make an offer can help ensure that you are making a wise decision.  Know Your Budget This point is two-fold. You need to know what you are approved to spend. Read More 

Benefits To Look For In The Next Home You Choose To Buy

The process to search for and buy a home is filled with decisions, preparation, and making sure you have all the right paperwork in order. In addition to getting all your financing and making a competitive offer on a home, you can look for benefits in a home that fit your circumstances to bring you added value. Here are some additional benefits and bonuses to look for in the next home you choose to buy and move into. Read More 

The Differences Between Senior Housing And Active 55-Plus Living

As people reach the age of retirement, they often begin thinking about transitioning from the homes they lived in all their adult lives to homes that would be better suitable for living in their retired years and senior years. Two of the options many people evaluate at this time include senior housing communities and active 55-plus living communities. If you are thinking about making a move like this, there are several things to know about the differences in these types of communities. Read More 

How You Can Potentially Win A Bidding War Against An Investor For A Single-Family Home

Buying a home, in recent years, has been difficult for many people. For a while, it might have been due to the home prices being higher than ever before. But, in recent years, investors have been buying up many of the single-family homes and renting them or tearing them down for space to build building condos or multi-family homes. How can you win a bidding war against an investor for a single-family home? Read More 

Know Your Closing Cost Obligations When Buying A Home

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of a home purchase. After months of searching (and perhaps a few disappointments), your offer was accepted and your lending is about to be approved. Your financial obligations don't end with the down payment and a loan approval, however. If you don't take buyer closing costs into consideration, you could end up delaying the closing and the entire deal could fall apart. Read More