3 Tips For Getting Approved For An Apartment If You Have Bad Credit

Having poor credit can prevent you from getting loans and credit cards, and it can even make it more difficult to rent an apartment. If you are looking for an apartment to rent and have bad credit, you may need to take a few extra steps if you want to get approved for the rental property you choose. Landlords rely on rental income and tend to stick with tenants that have good credit and the ability to pay. Read More 

3 Tips For Helping An Elderly Parent Move

Helping an elderly parent can sometimes be challenging. The transition from a home he or she has lived in for years to a new place is an emotional experience that can impact how well the move goes. If you are in the process of helping your parent move, here are some ways you can help make the transition go a bit smoother.  Pack a Move-Day Box The first few days in your parent's new residence are going to mainly consist of unpacking his or her belongings. Read More 

3 Things To Ensure Before You Buy A Home

The idea of owning your own home instead of renting can be extremely appealing. If you are thinking about swapping out your lease for a mortgage loan, however, you have to make sure that you are truly ready. These are a few things that you'll want to ensure before signing on the dotted line. 1. You Have Good Credit You might have heard about programs that are supposed to allow you to purchase a home with poor credit. Read More 

3 Ways To Quickly Sell Your Home

Are you thinking about selling your home? If so, but you aren't too sure that you will get good money for your home, then there are definitely tips and options to take advantage of to sell it quickly, such as: Have A Low Asking Price: By marking your home's price at 10% to 15% lower than the market price, you will attract more home shoppers, which can potentially convert these shoppers into serious buyers. Read More 

How To Prepare Your Rental Property For A Natural Disaster

Natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes are common in certain parts of the country, putting your business property at risk. The best thing you can do as a property manager is to protect your property and your residents or renters. Here are some tips for protecting and preparing the property for a natural disaster. Remove Outdoor Décor and Furniture When you get a warning about a natural disaster in the area, it is important to start removing anything outdoors that is not nailed down. Read More